A Night on Kitt Peak
NGC 6369 in Ophiuchus
Image acquisition by Adam Block, NOAO

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The stars are a little closer and the heavens a little clearer when you gaze from 7,000 feet above sea level at Kitt Peak National Observatory. It holds claim to some of the finest astronomical imaging conditions in the continental United States and is the home base of Adam Block, Lead observer and astronomical imaging icon.

On this night, I was to join Adam, via the Internet, as we imaged two targets in the southern part of the sky. By 10PM, we were in contact and my computer was able to follow his every move as the telescope first swung into position and the first of two targets were obtained.

For the next eight hours, we gathered the information to prepare this image, and one other- a distant galaxy in the constellation Hydra. It was a thrilling experience not to be missed- my Night on Kitt Peak!

60 minutes Luminance
20 minutes Red, Green and Blue (2X2)
NOAO RCOS 20 inch (f/8)